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These Are The Five Unexpected Things That Are Causing Your Breakouts  VIEW : 37    
โดย Royal

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เมื่อ : พฤหัสบดี ที่ 2 เดือน มีนาคม พ.ศ.2566 เวลา 23:15:44    ปักหมุดและแบ่งปัน

A beauty expert has shared the five 'unexpected' things behind your breakouts, and why you need to stop doing them everyday if you want glowing skin.

Natalie O'Neill, from the UK, has built up a huge following for her no-nonsense approach to skincare and jargon.

In her latest video, Natalie shared why not cleansing or taking your makeup off before a workout is making you breakout, as well as the harmful effects of dermaplaning, heavy-duty moisturisers and whey protein.

'These five things are breaking you out, and you're in denial about it,' Natalie said at the start of her Scroll down for video

1. Dermaplaning

The first habit the beauty expert highlighted is dermaplaning.

Dermaplaning is a minimally invasive procedure that shaves away the top layers of your skin. It can help reduce the appearance of acne scars or pitted skin. 

Some people get dermaplaning to remove unwanted hair.

'Dermaplaning is not great for your skin,' Natalie said. 

'Some people can tolerate it, but a lot of people can't and they will have horrendous acne breakouts after they do it.'

If that's you and you're 'in denial' about it breaking you out, the beauty expert said you need you need to stop as a matter of priority - or it will just keep 'breaking you out'.

Instead, you could try something like chemical exfoliation with alpha hydroxy acids to remove the top dead layer of skin.

2. Whey protein

The second habit Natalie said you absolutely need to stop doing is taking whey protein in your smoothies or drinks every single day.

'Whey protein really does and really can increase the amount of acne you're seeing,' Natalie said. 

The reason why whey protein increases acne is because of the production of IGF-1, a hormone that again tends to increase your sebum production, thereby causing acne breakouts. 

Try and get your protein from real sources where possible, like oily fish, eggs and nuts.

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